Corporate Partners & Funders

We are looking to transform the supply chain sector to better support marginalised workers. In order to do this we need to connect all parties within in the supply chains to make sustainable and recognisable change. Without the support of the private sector, who are the most influential in the sector, we cannot hope to better the lives of workers. By connecting the private sector with the realities of women workers we can mitigate any adverse impacts they might be having.

Women workers, and other marginialised genders’, are central to driving sustainable changes in the supply chain sector and we recognise this through our programmes and tools. Read more about our tools here (link to gender lens tools page).

The private sector has the power to mitigate and eradicate negative practices with the workers at the helm of this positive change. Women’s rights organisations have the expertise and contact with the workers which is vital to this change. The current state of global supply chains means that without all of these stakeholders collaborating and sharing their expertise then things will not improve.

Women Rights Organisation’s should engage with the private sector while still championing the rights of marginalised workers as this creates far more holistic and sustainable changes to the supply chain. Learn more about corporate engagement in our Corporate engagement course.

Corporations can rely on the expertise and knowledge of women’s rights organisations to achieve their sustainability and due diligence goals and better the lives of their workers.

We aim to use decolonial practices to facilitate meaningful dialogue between different actors in the supply chain sector and strengthen opportunities for marginalised workers and women’s rights organisation to share in the decision-making process who have deep expertise in their own contexts and lived realities and

Win-Win Strategies is an initiative of Women Win that focuses directly on gender equity in supply chains. This work contributes to the overall vision of Women Win which is a future where every girl and woman can exercise their rights.

Win-Win Strategies uses women’s economic resilience in place of empowerment because resilience goes further than equipping women with a decent living. Resilience demonstrates the need for robust systems and processes that are sustainable enough to weather any future obstacles.