Prospera – International Network
of Women’s Funds
Prospera is the hub of a dynamic and global movement of women’s funds driven to change the world for women, girls, trans* people, and their communities. It is a network formed by independently registered women’s funds.
Common Goal
Common Goal is a worldwide network of organisations and local initiatives that demonstrate sustainable social impact through football within their community. Since joining as an affiliate member, Women Win introduced and co-leads a gender inclusion strategy for the network members.
Girls Not Brides
Girls Not Brides is a global partnership of more than 1400 civil society organisations committed to ending child marriage and enabling girls to fulfil their potential.
Women’s Funds Collaborative
Women Win sits in the advisory committee of the Women’s Funds Funds Collaborative, a multi-funder collaborative that aims to strengthen the infrastructure and visibility of women’s fund and share lessons from feminist philanthropy.
International Safeguarding
Children in Sport
Women Win is proud to be a founding partner in the International Safeguarding Children in Sport working group. Since our start in 2007, Women Win and our partners have advocated for focus on safety of sport experience, in addition to inclusion.
Erasmus + SUE
Along with other European organisations, Women Win is part of Step Up for Equality (SUE), promoting women’s leadership and thus speed up progress towards gender equality within European sport.
Fare Network
Women Win is a proud member of the Fare Network, an umbrella organisation that brings together a diverse pool of individuals, informal groups and organisations driven to combat inequality in football. Fare is an international organisation with a network of more than 150 members in nearly 40 European countries that uses sport as a mean for social change.
Erasmus + CHANGE
As part of a cohort of European organisations and funded by the European commission, Women Win is part of CHANGE, a programme defining skills and competences for sport to act as a tool for development of people and society in Europe.