CHANGE partners finalise map of the sector and description of key job roles in sport for development Enhancing skills in sport for development

On the 8th of September 2020 the partners in the EU funded CHANGE project, which seeks to enhance skills in sport for development, met online for the 4th full partner meeting.

Following an extensive research phase the aim of the meeting was to discuss and agree the first two major outputs of the project; the Occupational Map and Occupational Descriptor for sport for development.

Occupational Map

The CHANGE Occupational Map defines sport for development as an occupational sector within sport and physical activity, and clarifies the unique characteristics of the sector. The Occupational Map was informed by desk research and interviews with sport for development professionals.

The Occupational Map defines sport for development around the terms “sport as a hook” and “sport as a tool”, and the intentional use of sport to have a positive impact on individuals and communities. It goes on to discuss economic and social value of the sector, types of organisation, occupations, key competences, training and progression.

Finally the Occupational Map discusses trends and future projections in sport for development and challenges for the sector including: recruitment and retention, education pathways, coordination and promotion of the sector, collaboration with other sectors, advocacy for sport for development, funding models, and more engagement with universities. A section on the impact and challenges linked to the Covid-19 pandemic will also be added.

Occupational Descriptor

The Occupational Descriptor for sport for development identifies key tasks, responsibilities, skills and attributes as well as knowledge, qualifications and types of contracts. It has been built around the roles of sport for development coordinator and activator.

Duties and tasks related to these roles are listed under the following headings:

Engaging the local community Partnerships and networking
Working with participants Monitoring, evaluation and reporting
Programming and coordinating activities Fundraising
Managing people Finance and resource management
Engaging volunteers Communication and marketing
Own professional development Equal opportunities
Health, safety, risk assessment, child protection Facilitating training/Capacity building

In the meeting the partners approved the content of the Occupational Map and Descriptor and proceeded to the development of the Functional Map for sport for development which will provide a complete breakdown of functions and work activities related to the roles of sport for development coordinators and activators. The next phase will be to develop detailed occupational standards before the production of educational products in 2021 to support training and development in the sector.

Full list of partners – European Observatoire of Sport and Employment (EOSE); International Sport and Culture Association (ISCA); University of Cassino and Southern Lazio; Leeds Beckett University; General Secretariat for Sports; Greece, Italian Sport for All Association (USIP); Sport Union of Slovenia; StreetGames; Women Win.

Contact – Ben GITTUS – EOSE Director of Standards –