Our procedures for
Complaints & Whistleblowing Procedure
SeeHearSpeakUp Service
Women Win uses SeeHearSpeakUp, an external confidential reporting service, to formally report suspected irregularities or concerns regarding violations of the Code of Conduct and Anti-Fraud and Anti-Corruption Policy. Through the 24/7 services, (anonymous) reports can be made by employees, funders, partners, and other stakeholders.
You can use the following telephone numbers or file a concern online here.
- Argentina – 0800 266 7499
- Cambodia – 44 1224 379303
- Germany – 0800 000 8875
- Kenya – 0800 2219 030
- Netherlands – 0800 022 2398
- South Africa – 0800 990 094
- Spain – 800 600 953
- USA – 1877 492 6399
The process will proceed as follows:
- Through SeeHearSpeakUp, the designated Authorised Receivers of Information within Women Win will receive notification of the new report.
- The case will be assigned for investigation to a relevant party within Women Win.
- The reporter will be informed as to the next steps, including timeline, through the SeeHearSpeakUp portal.
- The investigation will take place.
- Feedback and closure of the report will occur through the SeeHearSpeakUp
portal. - Whistleblowers can remain anonymous or provide contact details.
This procedure is not intended for use in the following matters:
- Regarding the awarding of grants, please refer to the contact details for the fund you are applying to or info@womenwin.org
- Regarding Internal HR matters, please refer to your HR contact person for
support and advice with regard to these particular concerns.
No retaliation
In reporting any incidents of harassment, discrimination or other potential violations of law or Company policies, retaliation is not acceptable. Retaliation against any employee for the good faith reporting of a suspected violation of law or policy or for participating in any investigation or fact-finding regarding a suspected violation, will not be tolerated. Any such reports will be investigated and the necessary action taken.
Evaluation & Review
The SeeHearSpeakUp service is revised on an annual basis as part of the Integrity
Framework annual revision by the Integrity Officer and Executive Leadership Team. This includes reviewing how Women Win has handled all whistleblowing reports and formal complaints that have been received in the previous 12 months.
For reports specific to Safeguarding breaches, please see Annex 3 of the Safeguarding Policy. The service described above can also be used for reports of Safeguarding breaches where the reporter wishes to remain anonymous.
Our Integrity Framework at Women Win
Women Win believes in a future where every girl and woman exercises their rights. One of the keys to actualising that vision for the future is to ensure the organisation operates to the highest ethical standards. To do this, we have developed an integrity framework and nominated an Integrity Officer on staff to ensure the contents of this framework are embedded in all of our work.
The four elements of this framework are as follows:
Safeguarding Policy
This document outlines our vision of collective responsibility in ensuring the safety of all people involved in our work, the measures we will take to prevent safeguarding incidents, and our response to them if they do occur.
Code of Conduct
This document establishes a set of behavioural standards to be upheld by all Women Win staff and representatives in their work.
Anti-Fraud and Anti-Corruption
This policy details how Women Win staff and representatives are expected to navigate fraud and corruption risks and provide tools for mitigating these risks.
Complaints & Whistleblowing Procedure
This procedure provides details of the external reporting service in place for lodging
complaints or anonymously whistleblowing violations of our policies.
The above policies lay out the standards Women Win aims to uphold in all of the work undertaken by, and on behalf of, the organisation and detail the external reporting procedures in place.